Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How to use SafeRide, sign up for calert for University type people

The SafeRide, late-night transportation service is now available at 10 p.m.
Please call 773-702-2022 to arrange for a trip to and from anywhere in the UCPD coverage area:
North to 39th Street, south to 64th Street
East to Lake Shore Drive, west to Cottage Grove Avenue
SafeRide is available until 4 a.m. Sunday - Thursday nights and 6 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights.

Note, the SafeRide van is in addition to the Evening Bus Service and Umbrella Service (e..g being shadowed by UCPD, call 702-8181).

My experience with all of these services (so far) is that none of them ask for a university ID.

Also, I've been at the University for four years, obviously always reading about security, and was never told how to sign up for the Calert (text and voice message security alert) system.

Unfortunately, you MUST be a university member with a CNET ID to use the system. Go to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that the Safe Ride program starts at 5P now. I am a student, and have been able to get a ride by just calling the Safe Ride number. There is more info on the facilities.uchicago.edu website.